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Napa City
Flag of Napa City Seal of Napa City
City Flag Seal
The Skyline of Napa City
Napa C.D.
Population 240,000

Napa City is the capital of Bowasia. Located in Napa C.D., it has a population of about 140,000. The area known as Napa used to be formerly Lansing, Michigan.


The area that is now Napa was originally spotted by explorer Hugh Howard in 1790 while canoeing the Grand River. The land that was to become Lansing, then eventually Napa, was surveyed as "Township 4 North Range 2 West" in February 1827 in what was then dense forest. It was the last of the county's townships to be surveyed, and the land not offered for sale until October 1830. There would be no roads to this area for decades to come.
